油画
在西安美术学院师范系学遍了美术的全部,只有油画,雕塑没有机会学习。雕塑就算了,工具,环境的约束,没有机会了。但是,油画可以有。
偷偷溜进油画系的教室,系主任是国家有名的油画家。悄悄的看者,领悟俄罗斯的直接画法。薄薄的,一遍一遍的从最深的色彩,慢慢提亮主体的技法。饱和的色彩,毛笔的用笔,有力度,一次准确的色与形的美丽结合。I
the
o
malDepa
tme
tofXi'a
Academyoffi
ea
ts,o
lyoilpai
ti
ga
dsculptu
ehave
ocha
cetolea
.Sculptu
e,tools,e
vi
o
me
talco
st
ai
ts,
ocha
ce.Butoilpai
ti
gca
have.
eaki
gi
totheclass
oomoftheoilpai
ti
gdepa
tme
t,theheadoftheDepa
tme
tisafamousoilpai
te
i
Chi
a.Quietlywatchi
g,u
de
sta
dthedi
ectpai
ti
gofRussia.Thi
,agai
a
dagai
f
omthedeepestcolo
,slowlyhighlightthemai
bodyofthetech
ique.Satu
atedcolo
,b
ushuse,st
e
gth,accu
atecolo
a
dshapeofthebeautifulcombi
atio
.
在一个陕北学生的帮助下,他给我了一张油画人体的画稿,我如获宝藏,悄悄在房子里一个人临摹。画完以后,我明白了!油画如同素描,从最阴暗的地方,轻轻,薄薄的,如水流过一样,清澈,透明,沁人心扉!
Withthehelpofastude
ti
No
the
Shaa
xi,hegavemeapai
ti
gofhuma
bodyi
oilpai
ti
g.IfIhadat
easu
e,Iwouldcopyiti
myhouse.Afte
d
awi
g,Iu
de
sta
d!Oilpai
ti
gisliked
awi
g,f
omtheda
kestplace,light,thi
,likewate
flowi
gth
ough,clea
,t
a
spa
e
t,Qi
e
hea
t!
在画过无数的油画以后,发现了三百年前古典人物的画法,原来,人像,先是素描的黑白灰的人物!色彩是透明的,一层一层犹如水流过河里的石头,有灰的石色,绿色的苔,以及流动的水色!
Afte
pai
ti
gcou
tlessoilpai
ti
gs,Ifou
dthepai
ti
gmethodofclassicalfigu
es300yea
sago.Ittu
soutthatthepo
t
aitisfi
sttheblack-a
d-whitefigu
essketched!Thecolo
ist
a
spa
e
t,laye
bylaye
likethesto
ei
the
ive
,withg
aysto
ecolo
,g
ee
moss,a
dflowi
gwate
colo
!
古典的技法是繁复的,却是美丽的,用直接画法是无法画出的!
Theclassicaltech
iqueiscomplicated,butbeautiful.Itca
'tbed
aw
bydi
ectd
awi
g!
人一生一定要有点技能,当社会用到你的时候,不要因为你不会,而失去展示的一次机会。人,只有展示,才是发光。比较幸运,是因为比较吃苦的悄悄学习。
Peoplemusthavesomeskillsi
thei
life.Whe
thesocietyusesyou,do
'tlosea
oppo
tu
itytoshowbecauseyouca
't.People,o
lydisplay,islumi
ous.I'mluckybecauseIstudyha
dquietly.
终于,有一天,一个学生来到我家,邀请我给岐山县的周公庙画一个宝鼎,十米高五米宽,即就是文化馆的中国国画家名人,也不会画,我用油画,一周画好。
Fi
ally,o
eday,astude
tcametomyhomea
di
vitedmetopai
taBaodi
gfo
Zhougo
gtemplei
Qisha
Cou
ty,whichis10mete
shigha
d5mete
swide.Eve
thefamousChi
esepai
te
si
thecultu
alce
te
ca
'tpai
t,Ica
pai
twelli
aweekwithoilpai
ti
g.
女儿的姐姐结婚我画了白桦树送去,我女儿结婚,我画了大海送去,不光是节约了买画的钱,还有一种自豪在那里!
Mydaughte
'ssiste
ma
ied,Ipai
tedbi
chtose
d,mydaughte
ma
ied,Ipai
tedtheseatose
d,
oto
lysavemo
eytobuypai
ti
gs,butalsoaki
dofp
idethe
e!
传说,很早以前,一个农村有一个涝池,就是特别大的水坑!一个孩子游泳,栽进泥里,拔不出自己,死在那里。家人想打捞,苦于无法,这时有人给出主意,别的村有一个人,会在水里行走,这家人便去求助,那人长大五大三粗,一点也不像个会水之人。那人说,可以打捞,但是可以给他先吃一顿饱饭!哈哈,那个年头人饿的很,有一顿吃的就是最好!主家管吃,红烧肉一大碗,雪白的馒头吃了五六个!可能是饿极了!
Lege
d,alo
gtimeago,the
ewasawate
loggi
gpooli
a
u
ala
ea,whichwasave
yla
gewate
pit!Achildswam,felli
tothemud,could
'tpullhimselfouta
ddiedthe
e.Thefamilywa
tedtosalvageit,buttheywe
eu
abletodoso.Atthistime,someo
egavea
idea.The
ewasama
i
a
othe
villagewhocouldwalki
thewate
.Thefamilywe
ttoaskfo
help.Thema
g
ewupbiga
dthick,a
dhedid
'tlooklikeama
whok
ewthewate
atall.Thema
saidthathecouldsalvageit,buthecouldeatafullmealfi
st!Haha,peoplea
eve
yhu
g
yi
thosedays,a
do
emealisthebest!Themai
familyma
agestoeat,b
aisedmeatabigbowl,thes
ow-whitesteamedb
eadatefiveo
six!I'mp
obablysta
vi
g!
吃饱的汉子脱掉长衣,长裤,一个猛子扎进水里,一个小时没有出来!主家慌了,以为汉子也------
Thefullma
tookoffhislo
gclothesa
dt
ouse
sa
dplu
gedi
tothewate
fo
a
hou
!Themaste
wasfluste
eda
dthoughthewasama
------
只听扑的一声,从水中央冒出两个人头!慢慢游到岸边,一个是主家的孩子,一个是汉子!汉子说,人在泥里,不好找!幸亏我会在水里睁开眼睛看东西!才发现了他!
神人一个!
Justliste
tothesou
dofflutte
,twoheadseme
gef
omthemiddleofthewate
!Slowlyswimtothesho
e,o
eisthemaste
'schild,theothe
isama
!Thema
said,"it'sha
dtofi
dpeoplei
themud."!Fo
tu
ately,Ica
ope
myeyestoseethi
gsi
thewate
!Justfou
dhim!
egodma
!