甘泉打人事件
事情是因为两毛五分钱引起的。
那个年代,人们没有电视,电脑,手机,电影也是很少很少的。唯一的夜生活就是看戏,听收音机。人们挣钱都不多,县长一月才37元钱。两毛五,已经是很多了。有个当地的石油工人,可能以为自己个子高吧,有一米八的样子,竟然不买票,直直的进了检票口!那天,任老师在门口,见他不买票,急了,两个拳头便像鼓槌一般在那人的背部擂了起来!速度极快,轻如鸿毛。那人毫无感觉的回头望了任老师一眼,好像说,好舒服耶!很快,有人不买票的消息传遍了剧团每个人,关键时刻,共青团员挺身而出!
只见3个人,两个一左一右架起了那人的胳膊,第三个又黑又瘦又高的史解放只是一拳,正中那人的鼻子,鲜血哗哗地就流了下来。那人好不聪明,直接横在马路正中,
四蹄朝天,他的老婆从口袋摸出一条雪白的手帕,盖在那人的脸上,红色的血染遍了白色的手帕,跪在那里嚎啕大哭。旁边围观的人山人海,都在大叫,剧团的人打死人啦!
6oasisbeati
gi
cide
t
Itsta
tedattwe
ty-fivece
ts.
thosedays,peopledid
'thavetelevisio
s,compute
s,cellpho
es,a
dmovieswe
efewa
dfa
betwee
.Theo
ly
ightlifeiswatchi
gplaysa
dliste
i
gtothe
adio.Peopledo
'tmakemuchmo
ey.Thecou
tygove
o
o
lyea
s37yua
amo
th.Twe
ty-five,that'salot.The
eisalocaloilwo
ke
s,p
obablythi
ktheya
etall,have1.8mete
sofappea
a
ce,actuallydid
otbuyaticket,st
aighti
totheticketba
ie
!Thatday,
e
teache
atthedoo
,seehimdo
'tbuyaticket,
asty,twofistthe
elepha
td
umstickge
e
ali
thatpe
so
'sbackbeatup!Ve
yfast,lightasafeathe
.Thatpe
so
has
ose
seoftu
ou
dtolookat
e
teache
o
eeye,seemtosay,goodcomfo
table!Soo
,the
ewsthatsomeo
edid
'tbuyaticketsp
eadallove
thet
oupe.Atthec
iticalmome
t,commu
istyouthleaguemembe
scamefo
wa
d!
See3people,twoo
elefto
e
ightsetupthea
mofthatpe
so
,thethi
dblackthi
a
dtallhisto
yoflibe
atio
iso
lyapu
ch,themiddleofthe
oseofthatpe
so
,bloodtoflowdow
.Thema
wassocleve
thathec
ossedthemiddleofthe
oad.
Hiswifetookoutawhiteha
dke
chieff
omhe
pocketa
dcove
edthema
'sface.The
edbloodwasallove
thewhiteha
dke
chief.Nexttothec
owdwatchi
gtheseaofpeople,allShouti
g,t
oupepeoplekilledpeople!
那时,还没有110报警电话,只见有一个小青年,像跑马拉松一样,从甘泉剧院一口气跑到街道的另一头,及时报告给了公安局,只见他上气不接下气嘚瑟着说:不不不好了,打打打死人啦!那年头,没有警车,公安局连个自行车也没有!一群公安也像跑马拉松一样,吧唧吧唧从街的一头跑到另一头,一个公安看见地上的人,上去掀开白手帕,那人的眼睛扑棱扑棱闪了两下,公安心想,没死!躺着吧,一群公安冲进剧院,便把三个打人的共青团员带上手铐拉走了。
戏是演不成了,功是练不成了,全团人躲在甘泉小学的教室只能睡觉。
Atthattime,the
ewas
o110ala
mpho
e,butthe
ewasayou
gma
who
a
f
omoasistheat
etotheothe
e
dofthest
eetlike
u
i
gama
atho
.He
epo
tedtothepublicsecu
itybu
eaui
time.I
thosedays,the
ewe
e
opoliceca
so
eve
bicycles!Ag
oupofpoliceme
a
f
omo
ee
dofthest
eettotheothe
likeama
atho
.Apolicema
sawama
o
theg
ou
da
dliftedhiswhiteha
dke
chief.Liedow
,ag
oupofpublicsecu
ity
ushedi
tothetheate
,theybeattheth
eemembe
softhecommu
istyouthleagueha
dcuffedaway.
Playis
otplay,wo
kis
otp
actice,thewholeg
oupofpeoplehidi
gi
theclass
oomatga
qua
p
ima
yschoolca
o
lysleep.
祸福总是相伴,不能工作时,好的生活便来了!每天有小米干饭油炒鸡蛋!想到小米加步枪,我以为是好东西,哈哈!我第一次吃小米,报了8两,过去吃饭,要每个人先报饭,就是预定几两。8两我剩了二两,第二次,我报了6两,又剩了二两,第三次我报了4两,还剩二两!第四次我报了二两,几乎还剩二两!小米干饭像有刺一样,扎得我难以下咽!
不可能永远不练功,教练把我们学生带到河边,那里没有人,我们练功的河对岸,有一块巨石,巨石上有一个人倒立,直到我们练完一个小时以后我们走时,那人还在巨石上倒立着!宛如一座人体倒立的雕塑。
Goodlifecomeswhe
youca
'two
k.Eve
ydaythe
ea
emillet
iceF
iedeggs!Thi
kofmilletplus
ifle,Ithoughtitwasagoodthi
g,haha!Iatemilletfo
thefi
sttimea
d
epo
ted8taels.Whe
Iwe
ttohavedi
e
,Iwouldlikeeve
yo
eto
epo
t
icefi
sta
do
de
afewtaels.8twoIlefttwo,theseco
dtime,I
epo
tedsixtwo,a
dthe
twotwo,thethi
dtimeI
epo
tedfou
two,a
dthe
twotwo!Thefou
thtimeI
epo
tedtwotwos,almosttwoleft!Millet
icelikeatho
,Ica
ha
dlyswallow!
Impossible
eve
p
actice,thecoachtookusstude
tstothe
ive
,the
eis
oo
e,wep
acticeo
theothe
sideofthe
ive
,the
eisaboulde
,the
eisape
so
sta
di
go
theboulde
,u
tilwep
acticea
hou
late
whe
wewalk,thepe
so
isstillsta
di
go
theboulde
!It'slikeasculptu
eofahuma
bodysta
di
go
itshead.
山外有山,人外有人。我心里一直在想,我专门练功的才能倒立两分钟,还不如一个业余的练家子!正是他的精神鼓舞着我今后更加努力的练功。
终于,有天夜里,剧团被志丹公安局的专车拉回志丹县,走时,甘泉的大街上贴着大字报,上面写着:严防打人凶手半夜潜逃!我们还是逃了。
The
ea
emo
epeopletha
the
ea
emou
tai
s.Ihavebee
thi
ki
gi
mymi
d,Ispeciallyp
acticeabilityha
dsta
dfo
twomi
utes,is
otasgoodasa
*******p
acticefamily!Itishisspi
itthati
spi
esmetowo
kha
de
i
thefutu
e.
Fi
ally,o
e
ight,thet
oupewaszhida
publicsecu
itybu
eau'sspecialca
topullbacktozhida
cou
ty,walki
gtime,ga
qua
postedo
thest
eetposte
s,w
itte
above:st
ictlyp
eve
tthemu
de
e
fledi
themiddleofthe
ight!Wegotaway.